Christ To The Nations Church

The purpose of the Next Step Classes is to help you to become connected in this local body of believers. That your commitment to the Lord may be further focused in His will, being active in service in this church and life.  Advancing Jesus' kingdom is God's goal for us.

These three consecutive classes are scheduled on Sunday nights at 6pm.

Class #1 is a time to connect with the vision of CTTNC and find out who we are, and why we do what we do. You will also learn more about church membership.

Class #2 covers spiritual health and how to maintain it. Also you will learn about your individual personality, which will help when working with others.

Class #3 will help further sharpen your ability to serve. In this class we will look at the Lord's view on how we are to carry out serving in the church.

We as a church are looking forward to you becoming a part of what God is doing here. You can sign up for these classes in the church lobby.